April 26, 2024

Committee of Safety-Gila County, AZ

Provide community resource for learning our Constitutionally-protected, God-given rights and how we can; and should regain and protect them as an action-oriented organized group, working together.  Our specific goals include:  Communication, which includes emergency contact preparation and effective education for self-survival solutions. – Education, to include Constitutional-protected Human Rights; plus provide educational training for our under-served school-aged population. – Political-Action -Work together to protect our rights through providing information regarding potential political actions affecting our rights and making our voices be heard.  This will be done through regular bi-weekly meetings and an online membership site. 

We began meetings in 2021, and have provided our members with information regarding a group communication radio source to connect to each other in case of emergencies. We have previously done educational training using the radios, and hope to soon have someone attend our meeting to connect these radios together. We have also provided training regarding growing our own food, what to do in case we lose power and water resources, gun safety, and online security. Regarding Political-Action, we began with Election Fraud and are now working on how to take political action through our State Legislature, Town Council, School Board, etc. Our focus is now on Education for our local community of the importance of knowing their God-Given rights and working to regain them through change in our corrupt justice system in Gila County and offering better education through our school system to both the parents and the students.

To continue to grow, the plan is to add an Online Membership site to give more educational information about regaining and protecting our rights, with educational opportunities. We need to grow our membership, so we are focusing on advertising, bringing in educators through videos and live speakers or trainers, and moving into homeschooling or charter school programs. The majority of our needed help focuses on advertising costs, such as newspapers and online services, to increase our visibility.